

Rights and Assistance for Colorado Crime Victims

Article II, Section 16A of the Colorado State Constitution guarantees specific rights 致犯罪受害者. More information about these rights and victim assistance can be found below,或在这本小册子里. 


For victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and Title IX provide 权利和选择权 for students that have been victims to sexual assault/harassment or domestic/dating violence. learn more about your rights and options

  • What are my rights as a victim of a crime

    As a crime victim, you are entitled to specific rights.  您有权:

    • Be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect and be free from intimidation, harassment, or abuse throughout the criminal justice process
    • Be notified of and present at court proceedings in your case
    • Consult with the Prosecution about the disposition of the case
    • Be heard at the defendant’s sentencing, modification of sentence, acceptance of a plea, bond reduction or modification, or parole hearing
    • 法院判决赔偿了吗
    • Upon written request, be informed of the status of the case post-sentencing
    • Information about what steps can be taken in case there is any intimidation or harassment
    • 应用 for victim compensation in cases involving violent crime. 拨打受害人赔偿电话 Admin at the Division of Criminal Justice: 303-239-4493 or 888-282-1080.
    • Information about and referrals to services and assistance
    • Be informed about the legal remedies available to you

    This is a partial list of Victims’ Rights in the State of Colorado.  对于一个完整的 list, contact your local law enforcement agency or 地方检察官办公室.

  • What Crimes are covered by Colorado 受害者的权利

    If you are a victim of any of the following crimes, the Colorado Constitution and CRS标题24第4条.第三部分保障您的权利.  如果受害者已经死亡 or incapacitated, these rights are guaranteed to the victim’s spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, significant other, or other lawful representative.

    • 谋杀
    • 过失杀人
    • 过失杀人
    • 车辆的杀人
    • All assaults including vehicular assault
    • 所有性侵犯
    • 威胁
    • 绑架
    • 抢劫
    • 乱伦
    • 虐待儿童
    • 儿童性剥削
    • 针对高危成年人的犯罪
    • 所有涉及家庭暴力的犯罪
    • 跟踪
    • 偏见引发的事件
    • Careless driving that results in a death
    • Failure to stop at the scene of an accident that has resulted in a death
    • 对受害人/证人的报复
    • 恐吓受害人/证人
    • 干扰受害人/证人的行为
    • 有伤风化的暴露
    • Violation of a Protection order against a person charged with sexual assault
  • 我还能指望什么呢??

    The initial shock following a crime, sudden death, or other trauma is a harsh and 这对每个人来说都是痛苦的现实.  However, everyone reacts differently when 面对危机.  一些常见的反应可能包括:

    • 震惊,难以置信,麻木
    • 焦虑、恐慌的感觉
    • 感觉迷失,难以集中注意力
    • 易怒、流泪或愤怒
    • 责备、自我怀疑、内疚
    • Sleeping Disturbances, loss of appetite
    • 闪回,不想要的回忆
    • 抑郁和悲伤
    • 撤离和隔离
    • 感情问题
    • 无法解释的身体疼痛

    After some time has passed, it is possible to experience a full life after a crime 或悲剧.  As most people work through their feelings about the event, they begin to accept that they did the best they could in the situation and have renewed energy 重新关注他们的生活.

  • 家人和朋友能做些什么呢?

    Remember that your loved one has just experienced a stressful event, regardless of 他们现在会怎么做.  仔细听他们说.  允许他们分享他们 感觉.  尽你所能让他们感到安全.  避免可能造成 the victim feel they were to blame for the crime.  相反,让他们放心 不是他们的错.  Allow them to take control back over their own lives and be 支持他们.

    People who care about the victims can often fell stress too.  不怕吗 为自己的需要寻求帮助.

  • 我的罪行能得到赔偿吗. 

    Victims of certain crimes and the victims’ immediate family members may be eligible for financial assistance from the Crime Victim Compensation Fund.  受害者可获得 help with many of their losses directly related to the crime, such as medical and mental health bills, funeral costs, lost wages, and replacement of doors, locks or windows damaged during the commission of a crime.  有资格要求 for victims to apply for monies from the Crime Victim Compensation Fund and funds are not necessarily awarded to every victim who applies.  欲了解更多信息,请联系 当地地方检察官办公室:

  • How can I get a copy of my police report

    Anyone can request copies of reports at the UNC Police Department during normal business hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday).  有一个搜索和检索 费用$2.50美元和0美元.复印费每页25元.  这些费用可以免除,如果受害者 is picking up a copy of their own report.  The UNC Police Department is in Gray Hall 在博天堂官方中心校区.

  • 我还可以在哪里得到帮助

    The following services are available for crime victims in Weld County.  你可以访问 以下任何或所有选项.


    • 博天堂官方警察970-351-2245
    • 格里利警察局970-350-9600
    • 埃文斯警察局970-339-2441
    • 维尔德县警长970-356-4015


    • North Colorado Medical Center 970-810-4121
    • UC健康格里利970-652-2000
    • North Range Behavior Health 970-347-2120
    • Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Center 970-472-4204
    • 女人的地方970-356-4226
    • Weld County Social Services 970-352-1551
    • 地方检察官办公室  970-356-4010


    • 学生健康中心970-351-2412
    The following Resources are funded by UNC’s Student Fee program; therefore, they are available for any UNC student to use at no additional charge:
    • Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) 970-351-1490
    • 博天堂官方咨询中心970-351-2496
    • 学生法律服务970-351-2001
    • 预防教育 & 倡导970-351-1136

    Additional support services are available through the District Attorney’s Victim/Witness 援助计划.  They can be reached during normal business hours at 970-356-4010 Ext 4746.  Their services include assistance in completing forms to apply for restitution or victim compensation funds, updates on the case status, contact for input before critical stages of the criminal justice process, and support before and throughout 审判.

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